Wowzers. Well a lot happened in this episode.

In this episode I felt the writers were attempting to create some sympathy for Brody. He is shown having nightmares where he is begging to be killed in Arabic. The press is hassling him for an interview, the Army wants to use as a “poster boy” for the war in Afghanistan, and the C.I.A is spying on him. He spends four hours cowered in the same position for goodness sake.

Due to the small budget Carrie is working on the contracts she hired haven’t bugged the garage of Brody’s house. This makes Carrie very tense as Brody seen taking a package into the garage. However it is just a prayer mat.

I am enjoying the political element in this show. Rescuing Brody was incredibly good PR for the American government as well being looking very good on the CV of Carrie’s boss, CIA Counterterrorism Centre deputy director David Estes. This means Carrie has to tread very clearly whilst investigating Brody as she is already skating on thin ice.

Another interesting development was that Carrie’s asset, Lynne an escort hired by a Bahrain prince contacts her. She has footage on her mobile of the high profile terrorist Abu Nazir talking with the prince. Despite the fact that Lynne is terrified Carrie lies to her and claims she is protected. She manages to persuade Lynne to keep on spying the prince and download information off his blackberry. We also saw a little of Carries’s personal life. She has a sister and two young nieces. Oh, and her sister is a doctor providing her with the strong anti psychotics. And she is only given her a weeks supply. And she has to check in with her sister. This is not going to end well.

Saul has also blackmailed/bribed a judge to get a FISA warrant that will allow Carrie to spy on Brody for a month. For me Saul has been the best character in the show. He is manipulative, politically aware, and provides Carrie with good advice. He also pointed out that if Brody was a terrorist he would be milking the hero card for all it is worth. Brody does this at the end of the show despite clearly being against the war.

Things that annoyed me

The first sighting of Abu Nazir in eight years and Carrie’s boss offers no support.

Carrie doesn’t want to reveal any information on an unsecured line but then goes on to bleat information in public.

The recruitment scene for the prince’s party was cringe worthy.

The kids seem way too well adjusted considering their dad has missing for eight years, presumed dead, and has now returned.

The lack of support for Brody to adjust to civilian life.

Things I liked

Saul. I like Saul.

Virgil, the contractor, brings some comedic relief to the show.

The political element.

Things that might be important

Virgil’s brother Max doesn’t trust Carrie, and seems slightly incompetent. He could potentially be a liability.

It will be very difficult for Carrie to investigate Brody with him now playing the hero card, and the with boss being focused on his own career.

I expect her to focus a bit more on Nazir.


Review for Episode 1

Review for Episode 3